Stop Snoring with Sleep Apnea Treatment

sleep apnea snoring red bank njIf you’ve never snored or dealt with a snoring partner, consider yourself lucky. But according to findings from the National Sleep Foundation, snoring is more common than you may think. Around 50% of Americans snore at one point or another and roughly 33% of men and 25% of women snore every night. Snoring is so common it’s often considered just an annoying habit, but it can also be a primary sign of sleep apnea. Fortunately, Red Bank Dentistry has an easy way of diagnosing the problem and helping to reverse it. But why should you consider a sleep apnea treatment to stop snoring?

 Snoring Is Linked to Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke

Snoring can occur regardless of someone’s personal size or weight issues. But heavy or obstructed sleep apnea-related snoring and obesity do tend to go hand-in-hand. Medical studies have thus discovered that sleep-disordered breathing is also linked to cardiovascular disease. What’s even more concerning is strokes are especially common with heavy snoring.

 Snoring Can Result in Headaches and Migraines

You may plan to get a full 7-9 hours of sleep per night, but if you snore or sleep beside a snorer, you’re likely not getting anywhere near that much. Snoring causes the body to jolt awake. While you may get light sleep, heavy snoring keeps the brain from re-entering the REM cycle. That often results in waking up tired, grouchy, and suffering from sleep-related headaches and migraines.

Snoring Can Lead to Relationship Problems

Snoring not only affects the person who does it, but it can also lead to relationship problems. Snoring leads to extra restlessness, irritability, and frustration when one partner knows why they can’t sleep. That can seep into other aspects of the relationship, affecting intimacy and leading to an eventual breakup. According to one nationwide survey, almost 50% of married American adults would consider “sleep divorce” due to their partner’s snoring habits. It’s a lot cheaper and far less painful just opting for sleep apnea treatment.

 Snoring Can Affect Your Livelihood

 Heavy sleep apnea-related snoring won’t just potentially harm your health and relationships. It can also affect your livelihood. Your body needs sleep to heal and recover. If you don’t get enough sleep at night, your body will crave it during other times of the day. Snorers tend to have more car accidents because they suffer from daytime exhaustion. Moodiness and lack of concentration can also lead to poor work performance. Adding a few extra cups of coffee may temporarily mask the effects but it could make matters even worse.

A CPAP Machine Isn’t Always Necessary

A continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine involves a facial mask and hoses that fit over the face as you sleep to provide constant oxygen circulation. The treatment works wonders for many suffering from obstructive sleep apnea. However, the idea of wearing such a device can lead to anxiety and avoidance of the problem altogether. Fortunately, a CPAP machine is not the only solution for heavy snoring. According to industry reports, there are more than 80 different sleep apnea treatment devices currently on the market. Many of those can treat the problem with simple mandibular or tongue repositioning. Contact Red Bank Dentistry today to diagnose the cause of your snoring and stop it once and for all.