Makeover Your Smile with Cosmetic Tooth Bonding

cosmetic tooth bondingPoor dental health or even just misshapen teeth can have a serious effect on your life. Whether your dental issues have held you back in your professional or romantic endeavors or you’re simply among the one-third of Americans who are unhappy with the condition or appearance of their teeth, fear not. You can still have the smile of your dreams without having to take a lean against your home or dip into the kids’ college fund. Cosmetic tooth bonding is one of the easiest and most effective solutions for a number of dental concerns. But what are some benefits of choosing cosmetic tooth bonding?

Cosmetic Tooth Bonding Can Correct Several Issues at Once

Multiple dental issues can scare anyone away from the dentist’s chair. But you don’t necessarily need multiple treatments for those issues. Cosmetic dental bonding can correct several concerns at once, including gaps, cracks, chips, and misshapen or crooked teeth. And since it can all be done at once, you can leave your Midtown Manhattan Dentist with the smile of your dreams.

Cosmetic Tooth Bonding Is Neither Invasive Nor Painful

Many dental procedures can be uncomfortable or painful enough to require some form of anesthesia. Various treatments can also cut into the skin, involve surgical elements, or require removing tissue or more than a light sanding of the enamel to complete the treatment properly. That’s not the case with cosmetic tooth bonding. Your Midtown Manhattan Dentist uses a resin putty material that is custom dyed and shaped to match surrounding teeth. It then bonds directly to the tooth or teeth in question and is cured to create a natural enamel appearance and strength. As much of the natural tooth as possible is saved, and at no time will the patient need pain medication or anesthesia for tooth bonding.

Cosmetic Tooth Bonding Is Affordable

Several cosmetic dental procedures can be quite costly, but they are personal investments. After all, a great smile can help you achieve many life goals, including social, romantic, and professional ones. Cosmetic tooth bonding can do the same but at a fraction of the cost. So instead of needing to take out a loan or arrange special financing, you may be able to fix your issues for a few hundred dollars per tooth.


Cosmetic Tooth Bonding Is a Quick Treatment

Unlike other treatments that may require special prep work or multiple visits, cosmetic tooth bonding can usually be completed in a single appointment. Moreover, the treatment can take as little as 30 minutes to an hour per tooth. So depending on the amount of corrective work needed, you could potentially return to work after your lunch hour with the smile of your dreams.

Cosmetic Tooth Bonding Is Durable and Long-Lasting

Once light-cured, the resin material of cosmetic bonding looks, feels and responds just like your natural enamel. Your Midtown Manhattan Dentist will recommend avoiding acidic and stain-causing food, drinks, and vices for a limited time while your mouth becomes accustomed to the change. But within a few days, you should look and feel as though you were born with your gorgeous new smile. Bonding isn’t permanent, but when maintained properly, your cosmetic tooth bonding can last between 4-8 years or longer without the need for repair or replacement. Give us a call when you’re ready to discuss if cosmetic tooth bonding is right for your needs.