4 Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

Dental phobias and anxiety are very real problems that affect many Americans. Dental phobias are severe versions of anxiety which can easily keep the sufferer from ever seeing a dentist on their own. These phobias only affect up to 15% of the population. Dental anxiety, on the other hand, can range between being moderate fear to being just as paralyzing as a phobia at times. Some type of dental anxiety affects closer to 85% of the population. Fortunately, Family & Cosmetic Dentistry can help set your mind and nerves to rest with the right gentle medications. But what are some benefits of sedation dentistry

Sedation Dentistry Can Reduce or Eliminate Pain
dental sedation in johns creekSerious dental fear and phobias often surround the preconceived notion of pain during the procedure. There’s usually more than enough pain due to the dental issue leading to the corrective treatment as it is, so why add to it? Fortunately, sedation dentistry has you covered there. The brain connects pain sensation with negative memories, but specific anesthetics don’t allow the brain to register that pain and build new or connective memories. No pain in the dentist’s chair means less pain later.

Sedation Dentistry Can Reduce Anxiety
Dental anxiety can be so stressful and severe that the patient can break into nervous sweats and be ready to bolt as soon as they see the ‘s chair. Add in nausea and heart palpitations, and dental anxiety is no fun for anyone. Sedation dentistry can easily reduce anxiety so you can breathe and relax during the treatment. Yes, you’ll still need to get control of yourself prior to the medication. But some can even be administered prior to entering Family & Cosmetic Dentistry for the procedure, so all you have to do is have a trusted friend or loved one get you to and from the office.

Sedation Dentistry Can Control the Gag Reflex
Most people have a gag reflex, and that’s a good thing since it helps dispel foreign or dangerous objects from the esophagus. But that reflex is easily triggered in certain dental procedures that require a more in-depth exploration of the mouth region. Competent dentists are used to the natural behavior and can work around it most of the time. But it can potentially keep the dentist from going deep enough into the oral cavity to correct or diagnose the patient’s issue or condition. Sudden spasms can also end up causing damage or injury to the patient. Certain medications, such as nitrous oxide, in sedation dentistry helps temporarily numb or paralyze the reflex so the dentist can do their job without any unnecessary risks.

 Sedation Dentistry Can Help Your Dentist Work Faster
A nervous, anxious, or scared patient almost always has trouble staying still while the dentist is working on their teeth. The more nervous the patient is, the more they’re bound to move, shift, and even slide around in the chair to avoid any preconceived or expected discomfort. That makes it very difficult for the dentist to do their job, let alone avoid unnecessary problems in the process. Sedation dentistry can relax the patient just enough to bypass the squirming or lull them into a gentle sleep so they wake up refreshed right after the procedure is over. Give Family & Cosmetic Dentistry a call when you’re ready to discuss sedation options and regain control over your oral health.

How to Ease Your Dental Fear

dental anxiety Every American needs to prioritize their oral health, and regular dental visits are an essential part of that plan. But studies show less than 65% of Americans actually go to the dentist. There are several reasons for that, but dental anxiety and fear are among the most common. Many people assume they have an actual phobia, but anxiety and general fear are quite different from a paralyzing dental phobia. In fact, approximately 60% of people avoid the dentist due to anxiety and dental fear while only 5-10% suffer from true dental phobias. Nonetheless, dental worries and fear of any kind are very real for the sufferer. Fortunately, there are some simple ways to ease your dental fear and experience no stress dentistry.  

Speak Up and Communicate
The only way to release anxiety is to get it off your chest. And the only way your dentist can know your fears is if you’re upfront and honest about them. Often times the fear is completely unnecessary and all concerns can be avoided with the right forethought and planning. Express your fears and concerns to your dentist to see what can be done to adapt the treatment to your specific needs. Successful treatment includes making sure trust and communication are there at all times. So speak up to help kick your fears to the curb.

Get Some Personal Reviews
Good businesses reflect their success with happy customers. And those closest to you will always be the most trustworthy sources of business information. So check with your friends and loved ones prior to your appointment. Ask about their experience with the dentist. Dive into whether they’ve heard any specific pros or cons and pay close attention to the answers. Glowing reviews from people you trust can go a long way to alleviate anxiety.

Use Distraction Techniques
If the concept of the exam still makes you nervous after talking to the dentist, a little distraction may help. Load a playlist to your phone or mobile device and bring headphones to the exam. Music can block out all sorts of things from the sounds of drills to chatter. Stream a show or borrow some magazines or other reading material right from the lobby. Using a fidget spinner or stress ball can also help physically release and reduce stress through cognitive distraction.

Engage in Deep Meditation or Mindfulness
Just playing the waiting game can be stressful on its own. If your early or your appointment is pushed even just a few minutes, time can seem to slow to a crawl. Instead of letting anxiety take over, breath in deeply through your nose, hold the air for a few counts, and release it through your mouth. Repeat five times and check on your anxiety. If it’s still present, repeat. If further relaxation is required, close your eyes and perform a mental body scan. Focus on each body part and mentally coerce each muscle group to relax, beginning with your head and ending with your toes. Don’t forget tension areas like your forehead, eyes, jaw, neck, shoulders, back, and feet. Give us a call when you’re ready to ease into stress-free Holistic Dentistry in Fort Lauderdale